Showing all 14 results
Denver Steaks
$22.00Never heard of a Denver Steak!?! You’ve been missing out. It comes from the chuck (front end) of our beautiful cows and is the 4th most tender muscle you can find (not just our opinion, its science). Rich, buttery flavors. Quick heat on a grill or skillet, keep it as rare as possible. Try a couple, cause they won’t break the bank.
New York Strip Steaks
$38.00The New York Strip. The steakhouse staple. Dive into the beautiful tenderness. Its the beefy cut from the short loin, loves open flame. We cut ours to 1.25 inch to make hitting your temp easy. 12-14 oz, technically you could split one, but do you really want to?
Looking for the whole strip loin. Its a show stopper of a roast. Just drop us a line and we can talk about everything you need for a awesome party piece.
Petite Tender – Waygu
$24.00The tenderloin has a baby sister and we only cut from our Wagyu cows. The muscle is known as the Teres Major, she’s hidden in the front shoulder and it takes time to find her. You’ll be glad we did because she comes nice and lean in fat. A true butcher’s cut, but the secret is out!
Weight: 8-10 oz
Sirloin Steaks
$36.00Flavor-Town! The world isn’t all tenderloins and rib eyes. Sirloin is the feeder. The all-time flavor champion. Tender enough to take to the grill, strong enough to remind you what you’ve got teeth for and why you want to use them. We cut them 1.5” so that you can nail the temperature even without a cooking degree. Let us know if you want them bigger, we love a little variety.
Weight: 1-1.5 lbs
Cut to 1.5” -
Sirloin Tip Steaks
$24.00The Sirloin Tip Steak is flavortown. Loves the grill or a hot pan. Leave it whole over indirect heat and you’ve got a money steak. You can also cut it down into strips and bring your favorite marinade to the party. Cube it up and become a kabab hero. Shred it up for taco night. Its versatile, so feel free to get creative.
Weight: ~1lbs
T-Bone Steak
$50.00Strip steak or tenderloin… Strip steak or tenderloin…. It hurts to make these decisions, so don’t. Get them both with this awesome bone down the middle that enhances the flavor of both sides. I pity the fool that doesn’t take this steak for a ride.
Weight: 1-1.5 lbs
Cut: 1.25″ thick -
Tomahawk Rib Eyes
$80.00The Tommy. It’s big, expensive, and flashy. It turns heads. It’s the drop top Cadillac that you take out on special occasions. Its a celebration of everything that makes America Great.
We cut ours insanely thick (2″+), and its a grate bender at almost 3lbs. Sear this beauty to seal in juices then finish to your perfect temp. Rest, slice, and sit back and wait for the sounds of… We shouldn’t get so graphic, so we’ll let your imagination take over from here.
$18.00We don’t have to twist your arm or tongue to tell you what good food is, you already know. You can slow cook this tasty treat then shred or chop it up for an unforgettable twist on the traditional taco night! Slice it thin for amazing tongue sandwiches. It may be a little different, but that’s what we’re all about.
Weight: ~1.5 lbs
Top Round Steaks (London Broil)
$34.00This cut has nothing to do with Great Britain, even though the British are serious beef lovers. The good olde US-of-A actually made it up cause it sounds fancy. As if it needed the help! This steak hails from the round quarter, where marinade is the name of the game. Soak me, stroke me and fire me up, cause this steak is fit for a king (and queen).
Weight: 1.5-2 lbs
Cut to 1.25”